Our early service is a contemporary service with some hymns. This service is led by a full band. Childcare is provided for children ages 0-3 and Jr. church for children ages 3-5th grade.
Our 10:45 service is contemporary, upbeat worship time with current music. We have a full band that leads us. Junior church is provided every other week during the summer, with activity baskets given out the week there is no junior church. During the school year, junior church is every week.
Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. You will see everything from a shirt and tie to jeans and a T-shirt. We just want you to come and experience God with us.
There are multiple ways to get involved at Monacrest. We have many ministries in our church building-such as children, youth, small groups, God's Choice and 3rd Step. We also partner with several local ministries where you can volunteer. We do mission trips at least once every other year. Please see one of the pastoral staff to see how you can get involved.
Monacrest is associated with the Free Methodist Church. You can learn more about the FMC at www.fmcusa.org
We rely on the tithes of our regular attenders to support the ministries of the church.
Feel free to give but you are under no obligation.
Monacrest gives away 10% of our annual budget to local and foreign ministries.
If you would like to see a copy of our budget or a list of organizations that we give to, please feel free to ask Pastor Collene.
You can expect a full band at each service.
We tend to sing more current, contemporary music-similar to what you might hear on KLove.
Our 1st service will include traditional hymns.