










"I see a generation rising up to take their place with selfless faith."
We wish to be that generation. 
We are not interested in "going to church," we are interested in becoming the church. 
We want more than Facebook, Instagram, and relationship drama. 
We are meant to live for so much more, and we exist to experience the kind of life Jesus came to offer.


Upcoming Events






Messy game night

Sunday, March 8th during youth group

Wear old clothes and bring a change of clothes!







God with us Passion play

Sunday, March 29th at 3pm

at New Galilee Nazareen Church

We will have pizza at 12:30 in the youth room

and we will leave for the play at 1:45pm.










                5th grader night

                      Sunday, April 19th

                      All 5th graders are welcome to come

                    and check out youth group!